Donor Dollars At Work – Greenville Levee Walking/Biking Trail

CFWash_MSDonor Dollars At Work

The Community Foundation of Washington County was so thrilled to present a check for $17,800 to Mayor Errick Simmons and the members of the Greenville City Council today in support of Levee Walking/Biking Trail in Downtown Greenville! This project was funded as part of the Stein Mart Square and Levee Walking/Biking Trail Charitable Fund, affiliated with CFWC, established by Bill Boykin. Rick Shepherd joined the presentation as the lead donor to this project under our fund. We are thankful to both of these gentlemen for their commitment, dedication and passion for our community and for their trust in our Community Foundation. Thanks to each and every one of our donors to this project, as with your help and support, this new trail has become a reality and yet another source of PRIDE for our community!!!